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Anime Made in Abyss

Made in Abyss Bondrewd Character Explanation!!【Umbra Hands Leader】

Made in Abyss Bondrewd Thorough Explaination


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Hello!! this is Otemoto from Anime Hangout.com.

In this article, we will explain about Bondrewd, who appears in Made in Abyss. He's a creepy masked man and a cruel, evil character, but he's also a romantic with an inquisitive mind like Riko. Have you ever thought this about him?

  • What is Bondrewd's purpose?
  • Why is he alive after he's dead?
  • What are his abilities?

We will answer the above questions that cannot be understood just by watching the anime or manga.

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bondrewd umbra hands
(Quote : Made in Abyss Anime)

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Made in Abyss Death Character thumbnail
Made in Abyss Death Character Summaraized So far

Hello!! this is Otemoto from Anime Hangout.com. In this article, We will explain about all of the death character in Made in Abyss. In Made in Abyss, there are many ...

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Made in Abyss Bondrewd Personal Information

bondrewd appearance
(Quote: Made in Abyss anime)

Bondrewd's Personal Information
RelationsPrushka,Umbra Hands
Manga First SceneVol3, Chap15
Anime First SceneEpisode 13
Voice ActorToshiyuki Morikawa(JP)
David Harbold(EN)

Bondrewd is a man wearing a black mask with a purple vertical line down the center, and he has an eerie appearance. However, both the Japanese and English voice actors for Bondrewd have kind and gentle voices, so when he speak to you, you will want to listen to him. Bondrewd wears a powered suit and has many weapons attached to a powered suits.

Compared to Ozen, who has held the rank of White Whistle for 50 years, Bondrewd has only held the rank of White Whistle for 10 years, but in those 10 years he has accomplished many great works.

Bondrewd white whistle
(Quote: Made in Abyss anime)

Bondrewd's Developments

  • Preventing large-scale insect damage
  • Opening up previously impassable routes
  • Securing a base of operations deep in the Abyss
  • Developing new medicines
  • Developing a complete nutritional diet
  • Investigating the conditions and symptoms of rising stress
  • Discovering a way to overcome rising stress

Bondrewd's great achievements contributed greatly to the Abyss, but the contents were very cruel. For example, "Development of new medicines" was obtained by chance through illegal human experiments, and "Preventing large-scale insect damage" involved burning the surrounding flora and fauna without regard for their ecosystems, and pouring poison into water areas to kill nearby creatures.

Although Bondrewd has a psychopathic personality, he never has any malicious intent in his heart to bring down others. All of this is to unravel the mysteries of the Abyss, and he is convinced that it is necessary to use the orphans he has collected for human experiments. The reason why he has such a lack of morality is explained later in the artifacts he uses. However, he remembers all of the orphans' names and dreams etc... also included died orphans, and this side stands out him even more psychopathic.

Made in Abyss Bondrewd's Real Face

bondrewd real face
(Quote: Made in Abyss anime)

Bondrewd's mask cracks during his fight with Reg, revealing a face that is no longer human, with purple, unfocused eyes and animal-like hair, suggesting it may be a composite of an Abyss monster. This is due to the artifact he uses, the Zoaholic, but it is believed he probably had a normal human face before he became a White Whistle.

Maybe the manga artist, Tsukushi Akihito, was too scared to draw his face.
Made in Abyss Ozen Thorough Explanation
Made in Abyss Ozen Thorough Explanation!!【Immovable Ozen】

Hello!! this is Otemoto from Anime Hangout.com. This article explain "Ozen" who appears in made in abyss. she is the one of the White Whistle and called by her around ...

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Bondrewd and his relationships


bondrewd and prushka
(Quote: Made in Abyss anime)

Prushka is Bondrewd's only orphan who was raised as a daughter. Prushka loved Bondrewd so much that she called him "Papa(Daddy)". Prushka once lost her hair and teeth due to being unable to curse of the Abyss, but she managed to retain her humanity, so Bondrewd took a liking to her and raised her as his daughter. Prushka was once again subjected to the curse of the Abyss, but just as Bondrewd had predicted, she recovered without losing any of her humanity.

Bondrewd had special treatment for Prushka, who was immune to the Abyss' curse, but he consumed Cartridge during his battle with Riko's party that he quickly turned Prushka into a Cartridge. The scene where Prushka is turned into a Cartridge is grotesque and cruel, so caution is advised when watching. Prushka is turned into a Cartridge while still conscious, but she holds no grudge against Bondrewd, and her final words are "Don't fight with Reg & Riko, make up with them."

Made in Abyss Prushka Thorough Explanation
Made in Abyss Prushka Character Explaination!!【She was Sacrificed Cartridge】

Hello!! this is Otemoto from Anime Hangout.com. This article explain about the character "Prushka" who appears in Made in Abyss. her backstory, origins, and why was Prushka killed by Bondrewd ...

Nanachi & Mitty

Bondrewd and nanachi
(Quote: Made in Abyss anime)

Bondrewd, Nanachi, and Mitty have quite a grudge connection. The aforementioned Bondrewd's great works, "Discovering a way to overcome rising stress," was discovered after Nanachi and Mitty became victims of illegal human experiments. Nanachi especially hates Bondrewd so much that he calls him a "Bastard", and not a day goes by without him resenting him. On the other hand, Bondrewd is very fond of Nanachi, and has installed a security camera on Nanachi to constantly monitor her actions.

However, the security cameras installed on Nanachi were used to their advantage, and Bondrewd lost the battle against Reg. Nanachi was happy to have won the fight against Bondrewd, but Bondrewd praised Nanachi as being amazing, which made Nanachi unpleasant.

Nanachi has undergone body modification surgery and has had security cameras implanted in her body.
What happened to Nanachi and Mitty is explained in the article below.
Made in Abyss Mitty Thorough Explaination
【Made in Abyss】Mitty Character Explanation!!【What's happened her?】

Hello!! this is Otemoto from Anime Hangout.com. Regarding Mitty, who appears in Made in Abyss, I think there are some aspects of her mysterious appearance and history that cannot be ...

Made in Abyss Nanachi Thorough Explaination
Made in Abyss Nanachi Thorough Explaination!!【The Most Fluffy Character】

Hello!! this is Otemoto from Anime Hangout.com. We will thoroughly explain Nanachi, the fluffy and cute character who appeared in Made in Abyss, including her personality, abilities, and past stories. ...

Umbra Hands

bondrewd umbra hands
(Quote: Made in Abyss anime)

Umbra Hands, like Bondrewd, wears a powered suit and a mask, making it impossible to make out their face. Their true identity is that they are slaves who have had Bondrewd's consciousness implanted in them by the Special Artifact Zoaholic. Many of them volunteered to become Bondrewd's slaves, and some are bounty hunters or criminals who tried to kill Bondrewd but ended up they are fascineted with him.

Each of them has their own ego, but they are merely vessels for Bondrewd to step in when he is in a pinch, and by swapping their bodies with Bondrewd's head, their egos are taken over as Bondrewd.

There are some Umbra Hands that are called failures and have no sense of self, but they mainly do menial tasks such as cleaning.

Bondrewd VS Reg

bondrewd vs reg
(Quote: Made in Abyss anime)

In the battle between Bondrewd and Reg and Riko and Nanachi, Reg struggles at first. However, Nanachi's idea was to lure Bondrewd into the Abyss, a nest of ferocious primitive creatures, and engage that creature to Bondrewd. eventualy Riko's party succesed to defeat him. However, Bondrewd's artifact revived him.

Nanachi's party is forced to fight Bondrewd a second time, but Reg activates the Abyss curse by rapidly moving Bondrewd from Layer 6 to 5. finaly Reg beat him.

Made in Abyss Reg Thorough Explaination!!
Made in Abyss Character Reg Thorough Explaination!!【Robot or Human?】

Hello!! this is Otemoto from Anime Hangout.com. Reg, who appears in Made in Abyss, is a robot with many mysteries. Although he is a robot, he is full of emotions ...

Is Bondrewd dead? About The Special Artifact Zoahoric

bondrewd dead scene
(Quote: Made in Abyss anime)

Bondrewd has two death scenes. He is actually still alive. This is thanks to a plant called Zoahoric, which is classified as a Special Artifact. This artifact allows the user to implant their consciousness into another person, essentially allowing them to live forever through head swapping.

However, because it can copy user's own mind, the user must control multiple minds, which eventually causes the user to go insane. All previous users have gone insane and become invalids, but Bondrewd seems to be the only one who can use it without going insane.

Made in Abyss Bondrewd inventions & Equipments

Bondrewd's Invention Cartridge

bondrewd invention cartridge
(Quote: Made in Abyss anime)

The Cartridge developed by Bondrewd allows the user to transfer the curse of the Abyss onto others. This Cartridge was discovered through the sacrifice of Mitty and Nanachi. However, the method is cruel and inhumane. First, Bondrewd lays the orphans he has collected on an operating table and, while they are still conscious, removes the body parts that Cartridge doesn't need. All hands, feet, organs, and bones are removed, leaving only the important body parts, such as the heart and brain, and placing them in a compact container like a lunch box. This is to make it easier to carry.

When cursed by the Abyss, the people inside the Cartridge are cursed, but the user is able to survive without being cursed.

When cursed by the Abyss, the people inside the Cartridge are cursed, but the user is able to survive without being cursed.

Bondrewd's Equipments

bondrewd equipments
(Quote: Made in Abyss anime)

Ascending to the morning Star : Gangway
→ A beam emitted from the mask, which is Bondrewd's symbol. If Bondrewd focuses his willpower strongly enough, he can penetrate targets behind cover, leaving the cover untouched and attacking the target.

Curse Needle : Shaker
→When injected by this needle, you are cursed with the Abyss. Depending on the amount of curse injected, it is possible to recreate a deeper layer of the curse. Riko was hit with this weapon, but Bondrewd said "Don't worry, it's just a little stomach turn."

He is crazy.

Touch The Moon : Far Caress
→ A second-class Artifact that controls extremely strong and highly elastic tentacles. It boasts the same elasticity as Reg's stretchy arm.

Canopy Undo Dawn
→ The powered suit that Bondrewd wears. Using Cartridge with this will allow him to avoid the curse of the Abyss.

Origin-guiding Light : Sparagmos
→ A straight line of light comes out of the elbow. This is the same kind of light as Reg's initiator, and when hit by this laser, the matter in the body disintegrates and disappears. Nanachi says that it has the power to rewrite the laws of the Abyss.

This laser beam appears to have incredible power, as even burning Mitty's eyes after she became Narehate and gained the power of immortality did not allow her to regenerate.

Made in Abyss Bondrewd Quiz

If you're a Made in Abyss fan, you'll get the answer right! I've created a Made in Abyss Bondrewd quiz, so please give it a try!
Well, there's plenty of time.
bondrewd umbra hands

Bondrewd Quiz Made in Abyss

Made in Abyss Bondrewd's Quiz will help you to enjoy Anime and Manga even more!!

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Why did Bondrewd treat Prushka like a daughter?

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Made in Abyss Character Riko Thought Expaination!!
Made in Abyss Character Riko Explain!!【Character Full of Curiosity】

Hello!! this is Otemoto from Anime Hangout.com. We will explain the abilities and personality of the character Riko that appears in Made in Abyss, as well as future activities and ...

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